在大學的教職員餐廳, 碰到從前的記者同事, 大家都有點興奮, 相約改天午飯。
第二天我們去吃了一頓豐富的日本菜, 一聊便是兩個小時。
在報館認識她時, 我才十九歲。
她慢慢告訴我, 誰轉行了, 誰給挖角, 哪位老臣子輾轉又回到報社了。
從前有什麼不合理的差事, 編輯發的脾氣, 那些不規則的工時和生活, 回頭又品味了一番。
聽她說, 那些仍然在行內的朋友, 每次相約見面, 辛酸都數不盡, 但傳媒工作是一種癮, 有同事轉了行又不慣, 終於還是回到前線去, 一邊抱怨一邊留戀。
她自己則從前線退了下來, 現在在大學裡做傳媒研究, 偶爾有重出江湖的想法。
我對香港的傳媒工作沒有癮, 有些事情, 體會過便夠了。
* * *
這舞, 我已經兩年沒跳。
除了基本步, 都忘清光了。
* * *
上方貼的照片, 我很喜歡。
熬了大半年, 考完了試, 才有機會仔細看看身邊的景緻。
枕邊閱讀: Love and Fear
All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by one of two emotions - fear or love. In truth there are only two emotions - only two words in the language of the soul.
Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either love or fear.
And here is how human behaviour produces repeat experience after repeat experience; it is why humans love, then destroy, then love again: always there is the swing from one emotion to the other. Love sponsors fear sponsors love sponsors fear...
And so it is that in the moment you pledge your highest love, you greet your greatest fear.
For the first thing you worry about after saying "I love you" is whether you'll hear it back. And if you hear it back, then you begin immediately to worry that the love you have just found, you will lose. And so all action becomes a reaction - defense against loss.
This fear-based love reality dominates your experience of love; indeed, actually creates it. For not only do you see yourself receiving love which is conditional, you also watch yourself giving it in the same way. And even while you withhold and retreat and set your conditions, a part of you knows this is not what love really is. Still, you seem powerless to change the way you dispense it. You've learned the hard way, you tell yourself, and you'll be damned if you're going to leave yourself vulnerable again. Yet the truth is, you'll be damned if you don't.